Monday, December 21, 2009

I need to learn how to clear my mask for scuba. Can somebody help?

You are using the term ';mask clearing';. That means exactly that, clearing the mask of water. I see everyone else is assuming you mean ';mask defogging';, which is not what you have asked.

There are two methods of mask clearing.

If your mask has a built in purge valve, it's a simple matter of holding your mask against your face and exhaling out of your nose. The purge valve is located directly under your nose and will open to let the water out. It shuts when you stop exhaling through your nose.

The second and more common way, is to get your body vertical in the water column, tilt your head back a bit and with a free hand lift the bottom edge of your mask away from your face and exhale through your nose at the same time. Continue exhaling until the water is gone and you have seated the mask back on your face.This forces most of the water out of your mask.

If you find that you're constantly having to do a mask clearing, there are three possible culprits.

1/ That mask simply doesn't fit. Your face is unique, masks are mass produced to fit many but not all people. Test fit them in the store before purchase, without using the mask strap. Place it against your face and inhale a bit from your nose with your mouth shut. If it doesn't stay on for 30 seconds at least, it isn't a good fit. Move on to the next mask.

2/ Your mask strap is on too tight. Too tight mucks up the seal on the mask skirt. Try loosening the strap.

3/ You have hair trapped under the mask skirt or the skirt isn't seated correctly. If you're diving cold and have a hood on, you also may have part or all of the hood under the mask skirt. I've seen warm water divers put the entire mask skirt on over a hood, believing that was correct. They found the hard way, it wasn't.

For your pool and eventual OW dives, eventually the instructor will have you do a complete mask removal and replacement with clearing. It's no issue, just remember to inhale through the reg and exhale through your nose as you put that mask on. When you're done, he'll likely give you a handshake for a job well done.I need to learn how to clear my mask for scuba. Can somebody help?
Spit in it and rub it around (the inside) before you don it.I need to learn how to clear my mask for scuba. Can somebody help?
I was going to jump in on this one but scubabob did an excellent job. I still have a slight problem clearing my mask but it is because it is high visibility so it can hold a lot of water. If you are just learning, get a low profile mask that fits properly and it will only take you about half a breath to clear the mask. good luck
Before you go into the water use a defog chemical they sell at just about every dive shop - it's usually in a small bottle about 1oz. Spit works but not as good - better to use for snorkeling as you can defog as you swim.
Take a lesson.
ScubaBob is correct.... again.

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